Freeflow at Cinder Ash
Whatever the weather, we are keen to promote free flow learning.
Healthy Living
Free Flow
Whatever the weather, we are keen to promote free flow learning, giving children the opportunity to choose whether they would like to be inside or outside, where provision covering all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is available in both.
Not only do we feel this is very beneficial for learning but for health also. We are strong believers in there being no inappropriate weather, just inappropriate clothing.

Benefits of outdoor learning
Greater Independance
As the children access the different environments freely it helps them to develop greater independence.
Progress at their own pace
Children should not be rushed in their learning; it should be about giving children time to fully embrace the skills they are learning.
Decision Making
As children are able to choose where they would like to play and with what, this is developing their decision making skills.
Learning about different environments
As children explore the different environment it opens up many learning opportunities as they discover the difference between inside and outside.
Physical wellbeing
Offering children the choice especially the outdoors enables them the opportunity to run around and build on their physical skills.
Physical Activity
Physical activity is not only important in terms of development but for health too. We promote this through free flow learning, regular movement and games activities, and through our promotion of exploring through movement rather than seat based activities.
We feel it is good to use lots of our energy to promote healthier lifestyles, and ensure all of the children are accessing appropriate physical activity daily.

We try to promote independence at snack times, with children being encouraged to pour their own drinks, and chop their own snack where appropriate. We try to encourage fruit and vegetable based snacks, alongside something such as breadsticks, yogurts, toast or savoury biscuits. Adaptions are made to suit dietary needs and allergies
Healthy Lunch Options
As much as possible we are keen to promote healthy choices within our lunch boxes, ensuring the children are gaining adequate amount of both macronutrients and micronutrients within their lunches. We use circle time as an opportunity to discuss healthy ideas, and the benefits of making healthy choices.There is a variety of ideas for lunchboxes available within the entrance, or a member of staff will be able to provide further assistance.